Termin: 29.02.2016
Ort: Forum der Hertie School of Governance, Friedrichstraße 180 ∙ 10117 Berlin
Vortrag und Diskussion in Englisch mit Dr. Dan Schueftan (Israel)
Beginn: 17:30 Uhr, Hertie School of Governance, Friedrichstraße 180 Berlin-Mite
Die Veranstaltung ist eine Kooperation der Hertie School of Governance und der Deutsch-Israelischen Gesellschaft Berlin und Potsdam. Unterstützt vom Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin.
Anmeldung unter: events(at)hertie-school.org
Europe, Israel and the Crisis in the Middle East
Keynote and Discussion
Keynote ‚Turmoil and Changes in the Middle East – Europe’s Misconceptions and Misunderstandings‘:
Dan Schueftan, Director of the National Security Studies Center at the University of Haifa
Tamar Amar-Dahl, Israeli-German historian; Teaching Associate at the Center for Middle Eastern and North African Politics, Free University Berlin
Jörn Böhme, Advisor on the Middle East and North Africa in the parliamentary group of Alliance 90/The Greens; former Director of the Israel office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation in Tel Aviv
Moderation: Markus Kaim, Senior Fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP); Guest Lecturer at the Hertie School of Governance
Rather than a major step on the road to the renaissance of a once great civilization, the recent eruptions in the Middle East have yet again partly collapsed the century-old dysfunctional order, only to be substituted, in most cases, by either anarchy or renewed oppression. Under the prevailing circumstances the foreseeable future of the region does not look promising.
In this talk, Dr. Dan Schueftan will focus on discussions of the dramatic change in the Middle East and its implications for the region, for Israel, and for the world. He will address the national security situation in Israel, its challenges and solutions to domestic and foreign policy, as well as provide insight on Europe‘s policies towards the Middle East.
In structurally analyzing the roots of this problem, Dr. Schueftan will discuss the widespread deficiency of political and social pluralism in the Arab world, challenges to effective democracy building, and the role of European contributions in establishing political and social stability in the Middle East.
Dr. Dan Schueftan ist Direktor des National Security Studies Center an der Universität Haifa und dort auch Leiter des Internationalen Graduierten Programms für National Defense. Er ist Gastprofessor an der Georgetown University in Washington DC (2012 – 2014) und Dozent am National Defense College der israelischen Armee (IDF). Seit vier Jahrzehnten berät er die israelische Regierung, Parlamentarier und die Führungsebene des Militärs und der Geheimdienste.